5 reasons why so many people have already chosen us for their uPVC windows and doors

It used to be that uPVC windows and doors were considered the ‘cheap’ choice of the home improvement world. Well no longer, say the team here at Albion Windows, with the material now evolved enough to provide homeowners with exceptional levels of security, energy efficiency, and style. Essentially, all the uPVC windows and doors we install are the complete package, let’s explore five additional reasons why.

1. An eclectic product range

First and foremost, it’s worth noting that our range of uPVC windows and doors covers a diverse selection of styles, shapes and sizes. From simple casement frames that naturally boast a neutral aesthetic to better suit all property aesthetics to innovative tilt & turn units, we can cater for almost any homeowner preference. Classic or modern, function or aesthetic, we can revitalise every house front with our uPVC windows and doors.

2. Over 35 years’ experience in the… More

Wooden double glazed windows: the myths, debunked!

A far cry from the 19th century windows of old, today’s timber frames continue to be bettered and innovated upon by professionals, all to offer homeowners the best performance as well as function. That’s why we at Albion make no bones about what a delightful set of wooden double glazed windows can offer your property.

To prove it, we thought it best to debunk some of the silliest and most outlandish myths about them. You might find yourself surprised by what the facts show!

If chosen, will my wooden window frames rot over time?

One of the most common, but outright absurd urban myths about wooden windows is that they are excessively prone to rot, due to poor water resistance in the event of harsh rainfall. Today, this simply isn’t true. Wooden double glazed windows actually have a lifespan of around 60 years on average, rendering them just as… More

First double, then triple glazing – what’s next?

The British people are consistently on a mission to understandably stamp out unwanted noise for good. Having your property’s windows double glazed was the best solution for the longest time, then came triple glazing – a proven method of making soundproofing much more effective. Well we at Albion Windows have taken the liberty to investigate where – if anywhere – this practice is likely to go next.

What’s the difference between double and triple glazing?

For those unaware, double glazing is the simple practice of inserting two sheets of glass in the frame of your windows as opposed to the traditional one. Despite common misconception, this has quickly become standard practice as Building Regulations stipulate that UK homes need a minimum Window Energy Rating (WER) of ‘C’ or above. With double glazing this is almost guaranteed every time regardless of window style, material, and size.

Triple glazing takes this… More